by Chess King


not available

Chess With Zombies: PAWN OF THE DEAD is a cartoon-ish animated 3D chess game in which the white pieces are humans and the black pieces are zombies. There are options for playing against the computer (about 1800 strength), against another player on the same device, and online. There are also options for saving and replaying games, setting up specific positions, using a clock, etc. The tilt accelerometer can be used to "tilt" the viewing angle with an adjustable sensitivity setting.A fun way for beginning and intermediate players to improve their chess skills, and for advanced players to practice. Even people just learning to play can easily play games by using the "movable piece" and "legal move" indicators.
Recommended for tablets and larger phones.
Please visit our FaceBook page ( for more screenshots, info, questions, and news.
Minimum Android version is 4.0
Play on mid sized and smaller phones may be difficult for players with larger fingers.
The online mode is still in development and may be unreliable.
This is not meant to be used as an analysis engine.